Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last weekend in the Country

Okay so this is what happened last weekend.  On friday we went and signed loan documents....scary!!  and  Ryan took his car to the shop.  So after work got off work I met Christy and drive the bus.  It was fun but the temperature was in the 100's...Christy wasn't to happy that she had to ride with me :)   When we left the loan place we started to drive down the road and a police car pulled up directly behind me...unfortunately he was observant and noticed that my registration was past due!!!  Well he turned on his lights and pulled us over.  Here we are sitting in my bus in 100 degree weather, pull over on the side of the road!!  pitty sake!!  Well he asked for my insurance card...oops no current card!!!  I told him we just moved to Missouri like a week ago and was planning on registering my car but had not gotten around to it.  So somehow I just got off with a fix it ticket!!! Hurray!!  So, I just have to take a current copy of my insurance card to the courtroom and that will fix the ticket.  So no money out of pocket!!! Here is a few picture of the first outing in the bus.

before we got the ticket!!

Just got the ticket

The ticket

Christy not happy with me...LOL

So that was Friday!!  It was pretty amazing...oh, I almost forgot I got out the moped and drove it around the block which was pretty sweet.

Saturday was pretty uneventful other than us going to church for the first time in Joplin...scary!!  It was fun meeting some of the church family and we got to meet Jean and Jess.  Christy and I wanted to go canoeing but Ginger and Ryan said it was to hot.  So we slept the day away, made dinner and played games in the evening.  I was bad and forgot to take the camera to our first church day.  Ginger threatened to wake us up super early to help in the garden the next morning...but she was kind and let us sleep in.  So Christy and I joined them at around 8:30 helping them put in a new watering system in the garden.  Ryan had already cut all the pieces of PVC and ginger was in the process of drilling holes in the PVC.  Ginger was over drilling holes so I took over her job until Christy took over my job.  We were getting things accomplished....Christy was drilling holes, Ryan weed whacking, Ginger weeding, and I dug a hole for their lilac plant.  We do strong work!!!

The New Watering system!!

We almost had the PVC pipe complete but we needed a Hose to PVC connector!!  So we got ready and made a trip into Carthage.  When we left we had some unwelcome visitors :)

Christy and I dropped Ryan and Ginger off at Lowes to pick up a few things and we went to water the plants at our new house.  It was hot!!  

We thought Ryan and Ginger would be done at Lowes but nope Ginger had bought new plants!!  Hurray :)

Then we went to Walmart but Christy and I had to stay in the car to keep the plants cool.  Finally we were done but Christy and I decided we wanted to get 49cent cones at McDonald!!! MMMM they are amazing!!

MMM I think I need to go to McDonald!!  Then we got distracted again....we saw a flea market....So we stopped and left Ryan in the car to keep our groceries and plants happy!!  We only bought a few things :)

Ryan though it was funny too!!
But in Gingers defense it was a sweet deal!!  We then went home and put together our watering system.  It worked but not as well as we had hoped :(  With a bit of tinkering we got it to work okay but we plan on putting a water spigot out in the garden so we don't have to fun 200 ft of hose to the garden and hopefully the water pressure will be better.  So we have more projects in our near future.

Christy has been working and seeing more patients this week...exciting!!  I'm taking more practice tests and studying I got 71.5 percent today on my practice exam which is pretty good!!  We are going to Wichita this weekend so we are in for another crazy weekend full of adventure!!  Just to cap off the post I'll show you some deer that I saw in the back yard!!! Come Fall those bucks better be careful!!!!!


  1. This is an amazing history of your move to Mo. and your times there. Almost like a diary. I LOVE it! I LOVE the picture of Ryan's look as Ginger gets in the car with MORE stuff!! gp

  2. Thanks for all the updates! I can't wait to see pictures of your new house. The link from the estate agents is dead:( Congrats on it!
