Sunday, November 20, 2011


Christy and I just wanted to wish everybody an awesome thanksgiving.  We wish we could see all of you, but just know that we're thankful for all your support and friendship!!  I'm going to be home sick during the holidays :)  But we are coming home next month and are super excited!  Maynard and Glenda are out here for Thanksgiving and we are putting them to work.  We are hoping that the weather will be good and we will go exploring in our canoes.  The leaves are all gone but it still has a beauty to it.  I'm sure I will get sick of it after 3-4 months LOL.  We are using our wood fireplace to heat our house a lot and its been fun splitting wood and make kindling.  We are going to have to buy some wood but we will be able to buy a cord of wood for around $130 for seasoned oak so thats not too bad (Just for those that are wondering a cord of wood is 4 ft X 4 ft X 8 ft).  We bought a washer and dryer which is super exciting, we can see clean clothes in our future.  I started our compost heap this last week from the leaves and grass that I mowed on our 3 acres (It feels like more acres when your mowing it all LOL).  We had some excitement at the house last night!!  Maynard was playing with our alarm system to see if he could get the old owners name off the screen and activated the alarm so when they went to leave the house to go to gingers the alarm went off :(  so we tried to flip the breaker to the alarm, tried cutting the power to the control panel and cutting the power from the actual alarm, finally Maynard was able to get ahold of the company and got the alarm to shut off after 30 min. but on the bright side we got to meet one of our neighbors who I haven't met yet.  It was pretty epic LOL and of course I was wearing tie-dye...pity sake I'm always wearing tie-dye at the wrong times :)

Well lots of Love

These are our big purchase for the month :)
The view from our porch 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Is A Good Time to Change Colors

It been a while but I haven't forgotten about the blog.  We just came back from a trip to Washington DC which was a lot of fun, but it's good to be back and our cabinets are pretty much complete.  If you didn't know Glenda came out for a week and helped me paint our old oak cabinets.  They look pretty GOOD but before I start putting up pictures of the cabinets I want to show you our finished bedroom.

As you can see we haven't found bedside tables that we like yet but thats on our to do list.  

When Glenda came out Grammy Pogue also visited us and help us by putting paper lining in all of our bathroom and kitchen drawers.  That saved us a lot of time!!! Thanks Grammy :)  I also bought my first piece of farm's pretty sweet I'm still excited about it ;)

Good ol Troy Bilt!!
It starts right up and runs like a champ!!  So I'm in the process of creating our garden plot.  I can't wait till spring :)  The last time we went to the lake house I found the cutest turtle ever!!  The shell was still soft.  I didn't catch to many fish though and my boat was giving me problems :) pitty sake the list never gets smaller LOL!!

So basically I've been working on the house full time and Christy has been working as a full time dentist.  I think I need to find a job :)  It been nice that I haven't had to work while we are setting up shop in our new home but I think its about time I get a job...I think thats why I went to school for 7 yrs.

Okay now what you all have been waiting for the before and after shoots of our new cabinets!!  It pretty exciting to be done with this project but I learned a lot through the process and I could do it even better next time.

The pictures don't do it justice, but it is a big improvement over the old oak cabinets!!
Glenda...It was Worth it LOL

I spent a full week with glenda, then a full week by myself, a couple of long nights with Christy ( I was losing motivation), and two days to put the doors back on and its finally done.  Now I just have to finish cleaning up LOL that might take longer :)  It's starting to look and feel like a home but we still have a lot of work to do...I think we are up to the challenge!!  We miss everybody, we will be back in California in Dec. I can't wait!!  Love you all

Shon and Christy

The view out of our bedroom window