Monday, September 12, 2011

Its Been A While!!!

Hey everybody!!!  Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I started to freak about boards and our house closed so Christy and I have been busy!!  We have been cleaning house and painting our bedroom but it's a slow process!!  I found a snake in our garage yesterday evening....the critters begin :)

I was sad I couldn't use the shotgun :(

I took boards last Wednesday so hopefully I'm done with tests for a long time!!  I haven't found out my scores but I hope to get the results sometime this week but I'm not sure if it will happen.  If you read my last post we were having problems with moles in the garden and lawn, since then I've got three of them and so far they haven't come back!!!  But I have moles at the new house so I have to start my own war with the moles on our 3 acres LOL.

Ginger and Ryans Garden has been doing a little better here at the end of the season since the weather is cooling off a little and the watering system is working better and the plants aren't quite so dehydrated.  There is okra, melon, and corn on there way and Ginger has planted a whole bunch of fall crops that should be yummy!!!  We have a garden frog that lives in one of the boxes and we named him Fred...I like Fred!!

  I helped install a new spigot by their garden, so watering hopefully will be a little easier :)  It definitely was a learning experience playing with their plumbing in the crawl space, but I got it done and it looks good!!

If you want to experience the fun when we signed our lives away buying the new house you can see a time lapse of the 25ish min it took to sign all the documents before Christy had to be at work.

Thats our Realtor Danny!!

When I'm done painting our new room I'll put up pictures of it nice and finished it will look a lot different then it used too!!  We are excited about our future projects...a little overwhelmed but having fun learning as we go.  Hopefully I will get started working on the garden area and our yard this week but time flys!!  I hope everybody is doing well and I love you all


  1. That is one good looking garden (I guess I am a little bias). You should post pics of the new little melons! I am sure everyone reading this blog can't wait to see more pictures of garden produce :)

  2. The video is so funny!! Glad you got a house :) let me know when you have my room ready
